tirsdag 19. mai 2015

Getting ready for Desucon 10!

Versatile Jar is on the road again this year! From the 26th to the 28th of June you will find us at Desucon 10 in Lillestrøm, Norway. Desucon is where we started, back in 2010, and now we are finaly ready for our return.  The con has definetly grown a lot since last time we were there, so this will be our biggest con so far, and I for one am very excited.
You can see ours and some of the other artsands here. Looks like it will be a good buch, and lots of nice things to splurge on.

Since its about a month away now, production has been intencified, and my fingers are already sore from all the crocheting and embroydering I have been doing lately. So I thought I would give you all a little look in to what we are bringing this year.

If you are interested in coming you can get tickets for the con here. Its looking to be a super fun weekend so far.


Bonus image:
This is what happends when you
crochet too tightly. Broken hook!