tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Hairbows Galore

...and a badge! We made more bows/hairclip, and Quintopus badges, yay! ^^
the lovely weather in Falmouth means we can sit outside and tan whilst creating. awesome stuff.

torsdag 20. mai 2010


So we're making stuff.
And just booked our artstand yay!

Living in jars

Quinto says HI!

onsdag 19. mai 2010

This is an introduction post.

Hi guys!!

Silje and Vera have finally made their very own art blog!
Because we rock.
Here there will be different artworks from us, and also little creations of the cute accessory kind, especially at the moment as we are preparing for our artstand at Desucon, a Japan/anime convention in Oslo on the 26th and 27th of June.
